Steps to Remedy a "Skin Freak Out"
We've most likely all been there. For me personally, my skin is always most sensitive during the cold months. The weather has turned, it is dry, the heaters are on, the air is still polluted.
These are some steps I take to get my complexion back to tip top shape, even at the toughest times.
1. Back To Basics.
Keep it simple in my skin care products. I can very easily over do it in skincare, and especially when I'm trying out new products. When in doubt, I like to keep my skin routine clean and simple, with products for sensitive skin, that are highly hydrating, like my Bedouin Elixir Facial Oil. I tend to go to to cross check for any comedogenic (pore-clogging) ingredients and recommend it to everyone I know too!
2. Exfoliate.
Dead skin cells, pollution, bacteria and sebum can get stuck in our pores and create further problems. Exfoliation encourages cell turnover, keeps our best glow glowing. Personally, when it comes to the winter months, I like to opt for physical exfoliation (as opposed to enzyme/acid based exfoliants). Examples are the at home PMD microdermabrassion tool. I use it 1-2 times a week on a medium level of exfoliation. I notice a massive difference in my skin when I use it!
I also love the Burts Bees sensitive line exfoliating wash as well as the Dermalogica daily microfibrant. Both exfoliating cleansers are developed for sensitive skin and leave my complexion feeling brighter and smoother.
It's very important that after exfoliation you re-hydrate and moisturize. After the dead skin cells are swept away your skin is even more open to the elements and needs further protection for your skin barrier! For me, that is The Bedouin Elixir Facial Oil.
3. Up the Anti-Ox
Antioxidants play a huge role in your body's ability to clear out bacteria and disease. Antioxidants also fight free radicals that break down our precious collagen and elastin supply! in addition to in my skin routine, I like to make sure I'm eating and drinking enough anti-oxidant enriched nourishing food too. Whether that be green juices, fresh fruits and vegetables, or even with supplements and green tea.
4. Supplement it all
In addition to the above, getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet is tough at the best of times! Supplementing with a rounded daily vitamin and mineral, taking electrolytes and drinking as close to a gallon of water each day as I can is a total game changer. On the subject of good vitamins and minerals, we always know when we are eating too many skin "cheat" foods. For me that can be too much dairy and grains, and sadly a skin freak out tends to be a sign to take a good look and see if it's a sign that I need to cut it back on inflammatory foods.
Two special supplementing mentions go out to zinc and spearmint tea. They are both anti-acne and relatively easy to work into your daily routine, and so I recommend them!
5. Hydration is Key
As I mentioned earlier, I try to drink close to a gallon of water each day. In addition to that, as soon as the winter months begin, an air humidifier becomes a non-negotiable. The colder temperatures tend to mean we turn on the very drying heaters, which then gives us even drier skin! Supplementing with an air humidifier is probably the fastest skin changing savior that I know! Additionally a water purifying filtration system for washing your face is an absolute must.
Using unpurified water to cleanse your skin can irritate and dry it out. I've seen endless cases of irritated and inflamed skin, impurities that wont budge, dullness, flaky dry skin, dermatitis, you name it, that have very quickly vanished with both a humidifier and shower and faucet water filter. Using a humidifier is also absolutely imperative in the drier months to give your skin the added moisture that it needs.
There are an array of filter and humidifier choices out there. As far as a filter for washing your face, the FilterBaby system is by far the most superior.
Their filter is #1 recommended by Dermatologists and designed to get to the root cause of your skin issues. It removes 95% of chlorine, 60% of Turbidity (mud, rust, micro-contaminants), and 95% of micro-plastics, and not only that it corrects the water hardness. 85% of tap water is too hard. Hard water can have hard metals or excess elements that can clog your pores and irritate your skin. The FilterBaby 2.0 system handles that so easily for you. The system was clinically tested and found to improve skin hydration in just two weeks, which of course, I recommend year round.
6. Skin Steaming Hamams
Try using a face steamer for an at home skin-hamam! The warm steam will open your pores up and let it release debris stuck in your pores. I like using it for 10-20 minutes on clean skin. After using it, with clean hands I like to do a little at home extraction. Make sure to follow up with another cleanse to clear off any bacteria brought to the surface, and tone to close the pores again. It's incredibly important after using a face steamer that you re-hydrate your skin with a moisturizing skin routine to replace any water sweated out.
7. Pillows and Towels
For many people, it comes as quite the shocker to find out that there's rather a lot of bacteria that grows in our pillows and towels. One of the best skin decisions I have made is switching to a mulberry silk pillow sham from Slip. In addition to being designed to be non-irritating to our skin, I actually tend to even sleep better with it! Wash your pillows every few nights when you're having a skin freak out. Bacteria will grow and can wreak havoc when you are sleeping! The same goes for towels. It can be counter intuitive to dry your face with a dirty or bacteria ridden towel once you've just spent so much time washing the day away. I prefer to use paper towels for drying my face for that reason, and it definitely helps.
I hope that helps!
With love and radiance,